January 21, 2011

Planting Seeds of Awareness

It's nearing the eve of the Spring 2011 semester at Diablo Valley College and I have been hyping myself up for my English-122 class. I was browsing my netflix account the other day and I stumbled across a few food documentaries. Since we are focusing on the history of food and our cultures connection to food, I figured these films would help get my brain moving again after long winter break.

After watching the first documentary, Food Matters I craved for more information. The film focused on how you can make better choices about your health, such as eating better to improve your vitality as well as to help your body fight disease. It also communicates the struggle many nutritionists have with physicians and pharmaceutical companies and their refusal to acknowledge the benefits of proper nutrition. Overall a great film to really get you thinking about your diet and how it effects your entire body. From treating depression to treating cancer, your nutritional health matters.

The second documentary, The Future Of Food made me think a lot more about how to take care of my health. What should I buy? Where should I buy it from? It examines the negative influence of genetically modified seeds and the industry that supports their development. The film also focuses on the relationship between biotechnological companies and their affect on smaller farms throughout North America. These small farms are opposed to the idea of losing generations of practicing traditional agriculture to companies that produce genetically modified foods. By exposing unfair practices and a corrupted legal system, this documentary touches on how GMOs can potentially damage our national health, traditions, and culture.

I hope these documentaries can inspire others to become more in-tune with what is occurring behind the scenes of the dinner table. Sláinte!

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